Legal Stuff
The stuff you need to know to get hitched
Criteria to getting married
- Both parties must be at least 18 years of age or at least one party is 18 years of age and the other person has obtained parents’ authorisation and a court order giving permission to be married
- Two witnesses must be over 18 years of age
- All documents need to be in English or have an official NAATI translation attached (www.naati.com.au)
- All certificates must be originals, extracts or certified copies
- Both of you, your witnesses and myself sign the official documents (on your wedding day)
3 Simple Steps
Step 1
We complete the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form - This must be signed, witnessed and lodged with no more than 18 months or no less than 1 month before your wedding
I will submit it - All you need to do is sign the dotted line!
2 Documents NEEDED for me to cite:
Passport, Birth Certificate or Driver's Licence
If you were born outside Australia you can use an overseas passportStep 2
We complete the Declaration of No Legal Impediment Form (DONLI) form - This is usually signed at your rehearsal (or the wedding day)
Note: This is a simple form to confirm there is no legal reason why the marriage cannot take placeStep 3
At your Wedding Ceremony: Here we say all the legal requirements (vows and monitum) and sign the legal documents with your witnesses
That's it! It's that simple
© 2022 Website by Candace Guile